Plumbing Specialties
Supply stops and connectors, compression & flare fittings, escutcheons
Miscellaneous plumbing specialties
Pneumatic & mechanical pipe plugs, tools, gauges and accessories
Environmentally safe, industrial strength chemical products
Bassett stud guards, hangers, clamps, supports etc.
Faucet and toilet repair parts
Brass & tubular plastic drain fittings
Flexible stainless steel gas connectors
Flexible couplings, donuts, o-rings; pipe wrap and patch
Toilet fill valves, flush valves, flappers; flexible supply connectors
Hooks, straps, hangers, all thread, plates, etc.
Chemicals, gaskets, repair parts, etc.
Chemicals, glue, wax gaskets, putty, drain openers, etc.
Plastic pipe cements and primers; plumbing supply boxes, roof flashings, plumbing vents
Faucet parts
Wide variety of plumbing specialties including PlumBest products
Faucet and toilet repair parts
Korky brand toilet parts, gaskets and seals
Plumbing supply boxes, connectors, tools and various specialties
LSP Products
Wire fitting brushes, flue brushes, Blue Monster thread sealant
Hose clamps, tension clamps, t-bolt clamps, fasteners
Plastic specialties including drains, fittings, cleanouts, valves and more
Flux, cleaners, degreasers, air-admittance valves, pipe sealants, firestop, etc.
Caulking, sealants, adhesives, firestop, tools, etc.
Boiler compounds, cleaners, oil, anti-freeze
Hangers, supply boxes, trap primers, gauges, specialties
Putty, pipe dope, flux, hydraulic cement, grease, etc.
Plumbing, heating, industrial and hardware specialties
Brass drain fittings and accessories

Contact Info:
601 River St. – Peckville PA 18452
1 Dundaff St. – Carbondale PA 18407
PH: 570-282-3555